Saturday 13 April 2013

It's already April 13th, 2013... Where does the time fly?

This is the year that I'm pulling my socks up; getting my skates on; pulling my finger out; putting my best foot forward... WHAT?? (you may say)!

Here I am, sat at the computer when I could be onto my next project (ahem)!

So far, this year, I have knitted a textured lace shawl (published in Designer Knitting/Early Autumn 2012) in a beautiful mohair yarn; designed the pattern for and knitted/crocheted/embroidered a fitted jumper with an oversized cowl neck (which can be worn on or off the shoulder) in single rib with "Scotch Faggot Stitch" detailing (I know, I know - unfortunate!!) and embroidered a T shirt to complement it (by drawing a simplified version of the "Scotch Faggot Stitch" onto tracing paper, then chain stitching it onto the front and shoulders of the T).

Today, the heavy curtain for the front door has been completed (it hasn't been without it's issues). I have been going to make it for a couple of years and now (at last) it is done!

Last year (summertime) I bought ten chairs from auction, with the intention of sanding them down and refurbishing them with a twist, with the intention of selling them at a couple of select Craft Fairs! You know, paint them like you would a piece of art but upholster the seats to fit in as part of the artwork as well as meet the strict fire safety regs.

The unfortunate thing was that I also bought an art deco display cabinet, with curved glass doors, that I thought would make a beautiful bookcase (for myself) once restored to its former glory, and decided to get on with that first...

It is still waiting to be lovingly French polished (I found a brilliant website that tells you how to restore the woodwork on old pianos), and painted a brilliant red inside but, as yet, I haven't finished sanding it and repairing the veneer where needed.

Back to the chairs; my darling husband (dh) decided to help me with the sanding of the chairs, as I wasn't getting anywhere fast. He thinks it's a good idea to refurbish then sell the chairs, but asked how much a stall at one of these fairs would cost me to hire, saying, "If you don't sell a chair, you'll make a loss. You need something else, that won't cost so much, to boost your chances of making enough sales to cover your costs, just in case". Hmmmm!

Then it hit me! Cushions!! Handcrafted, hand knitted, crocheted, embroidered, quilted... the list goes on! As I have a stash of yarn that needs someone to coax it into shape, I set to and started knitting... heart-shaped cushions to my own pattern. It took some time to get the shape that I wanted (no skinny hearts for me - full fat ones!). 

There is now a huge bagful of colourful, textured, knitted hearts just waiting to be sewn up and have fire retardant cushion inners made for their middles...

Then I had another flash of inspiration; why not make some throws to drape over the chairs? What started off as a small project has turned into a mammoth task - but one that I am thoroughly enjoying!

WoW! Is that the time? Must go get some shut-eye so that I'm bright-eyed and bushy tailed in the morning, ready to start on my next project... TTFN!